The transfer_form.rb script is the version that opens a frame, as a standalone application.

When you start the script you get, the apply and restore button are disabled:

Say, we change the amount and the to account

Now, the apply and restore buttons are enabled, as you changed the data.

Click on the apply button, you store the data and the two buttons are disabled again.

When you close the application, it shows a summary of the transfer. The symmary uses the account object's values.

The code is

 78 transfer_form = form do
 80   title "Transfer Form"
 82   width 400
 84   content do
 85     data current
 86     input "Date",
 87     section
 88     input "Amount", :amount
 89     next_row
 90     section "From"
 91     combo "Account", my_accounts, current.account_from
 92     input "Name", :account_from / :owner
 93     input "Address", :account_from / :address
 94     section "To"
 95     input "Account", :account_to / :number
 96     input "Name", :account_to / :owner
 97     input "Address", :account_to / :address
 98     next_row
 99     command :apply, :restore
100   end
102   on_close do
103     message_box(current.summary)
104   end
106 end

The important things are: