The transfer_form.rb script is the version that opens a frame, as a standalone application.
To run the script move to the code directory and execute:
jruby -Ilib -Isamples samples/transfer_form.rb
If you change the value, here the to account, with an invalid and click the ok button, a error message is displayed.
If you set a valid account number and change other data (like the amount and the from account).
When you click on the ok button, it copies the data from the input fields to the underlying object. Then, it shows a summary of the transfer. The symmary uses the account object's values.
The code is
91 transfer_form = form do 92 93 title "Transfer Form" 94 95 width 400 96 97 content do 98 data current 99 input "Date", :date 100 section 101 input "Amount", :amount 102 next_row 103 section "From" 104 combo "Account", my_accounts, :account_from do |selection| 105 context['account_from.owner'].value = selection.owner 106 context['account_from.address'].value = selection.address 107 end 108 input "Name", :account_from / :owner, :readonly => true 109 input "Address", :account_from / :address, :readonly => true 110 section "To" 111 input "Account", :account_to / :number 112 input "Name", :account_to / :owner 113 input "Address", :account_to / :address 114 button "Save beneficiary" 115 next_row 116 command :ok, :cancel do 117 118 def on_validate 119 120 acc_number = values['account_to.number'].value 121 122 if Account.valid?(acc_number) 123 true 124 else 125 message_box "#{Account.format(acc_number)} is not a valid account number" 126 false 127 end 128 129 end 130 131 end 132 next_row 133 button "Console" do 134 open_console self 135 end 136 end 137 138 on_close do 139 message_box(current.summary) 140 end 141 142 end 143
The important things are:
Open the console tool windows by clicking on the console button (in the form presented in the previous section).
A new window opens, as shown in next picture.
Move the console window to see both windows.
The text area, in the console window, is an editor window where you can type ruby script. You can access the form by using context. For instance, let's change the amount value, type next script.
context[:amount].value = 110
Here is what you should see in the console.
Hit the execute button to update the amount field in the previous form.
As another example, type next script:
context.each(TextField) do |comp| puts comp.value end
Execute the script and look at the ouput (in the command line window).
If you click on the Show into button, you should see markers on the transfer form, see next picture.
With the Windows L&F some painting conflicts appear.
The markers contain a number, the number is the index you can use to access the visual component (context[i].value = ...).
Moving the mouse over the markers reveal more information.
The markers with a light gray background do not have any name.
You also can start the console and pass the main script.
> jruby -Ilib -Isamples lib/swiby/tools/console.rb samples/user_form.rb
It open the console and runs the script, if the script creates a form, the console bind the context method to it. The result of the previous command produces next form (after clicking on the Show info button).
You also can add apply and restore buttons, see the explanation here.
By default Swiby is setting the current system look and feel. To set another one, add the additional jars to the CLASSPATH and use the JVM option to set the class. Next command sets the NimROD L&F:
> set CLASSPATH=<some-path>/nimrodlf-0.99b.jar > jruby -J-Dswing.defaultlaf=com.nilo.plaf.nimrod.NimRODLookAndFeel -Ilib -Isamples samples\transfer_form.rb
The first screenshots, in this page, use the NimROD look and feel.
RubyGems is the rubyish way to install ruby libraries and tools. Swiby is available as a rubygem.
You either can download the gem file and then install it locally or let the gem tool do it.
Before going for the installation, make sure your gem command is the one provided by jruby, if you didn't install any native Ruby intepreter you don't need to worry about this.
You can force the jruby's gem by setting the PATH variable accordingly.
The easiest way to install the latest version of Swiby is by running the normal gem command:
> gem install swiby --source Successfully installed swiby, version 0.0.1 Installing ri documentation for swiby-0.0.1... Installing RDoc documentation for swiby-0.0.1...
Now you can start the banking demo by executing:
> jruby -S sweb
You can also start it from the subverion repository (here we use version in the trunk, that can be unstable:
> jruby -S sweb
Another way to install Swiby is by downloading the gem file form and run next command:
> gem install swiby-0.0.1.gem Successfully installed swiby, version 0.0.1 Installing ri documentation for swiby-0.0.1... Installing RDoc documentation for swiby-0.0.1...
The command was run from the directory were the gem was downloaded.
If you want to uninstall Swiby, run next command:
> gem uninstall Swiby
You can run an application deployed on any HTTP server, for instance the banking demo is deployed at Running the application from the server, provided you installed the gem is as simples as:
> jruby -S sweb
Is you didn't install Swiby as a gem, go to the your-install-dir/core/ and execute next command:
> jruby -Ilib lib\swiby\sweb.rb
When running an application from a remote server, Swiby, by default, downloads all the files on the local machine, copying them in a per-user cache.
On Windows XP systems, if you are logged as james, the cache is located at: C:\Documents and Settings\james\.swiby\cache\.
The caching system creates a subfolder as the server name, if the remote server is, you get:
C:\Documents and Settings\james\.swiby\cache\
It then adds subfolders depending on the URL:
C:\Documents and Settings\james\.swiby\cache\\swiby\banking
You can delete the cache by removing any of the subfolders.